List options : os::linux::snmp::plugin
popularité : 4%
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check system CPUs (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB) (The average, over the last
minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle)
* warning
Threshold warning in percent.
* critical
Threshold critical in percent.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
Check system CPUs (UCD-SNMP-MIB) (User, Nice, System, Idle, Wait,
Kernel, Interrupt, SoftIRQ, Steal, Guest, GuestNice) An average of all
* warning-*
Threshold warning in percent. Can be : ’user’, ’nice’, ’system’,
’idle’, ’wait’, ’kernel’, ’interrupt’, ’softirq’, ’steal’,
’guest’, ’guestnice’.
* critical-*
Threshold critical in percent. Can be : ’user’, ’nice’, ’system’,
’idle’, ’wait’, ’kernel’, ’interrupt’, ’softirq’, ’steal’,
’guest’, ’guestnice’.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
Check usage on partitions (UCD-SNMP-MIB). Need to enable
"includeAllDisks 10%" on snmpd.conf.
* warning
Threshold warning.
* critical
Threshold critical.
* units Units of thresholds (Default : ’%’) (’%’, ’B’).
* free Thresholds are on free space left.
* diskpath
Set the disk path (number expected) ex : 1, 2,... (empty means
’check all disks path’).
* name Allows to use disk path name with option * diskpath instead of
disk path oid index.
* regexp
Allows to use regexp to filter diskpath (with option * name).
* regexp-isensitive
Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with * regexp).
* reload-cache-time
Time in minutes before reloading cache file (default : 180).
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* show-cache
Display cache storage datas.
* space-reservation
Some filesystem has space reserved (like ext4 for root). The
value is in percent of total (Default : none).
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
Check read/write I/O disks (bytes per secondes, IOPs).
* warning-*
Threshold warning. Can be : ’read’, ’write’, ’read-iops’,
’write-iops’, ’total-read’, ’total-write’, ’total-read-iops’,
’total-write-iops’, ’sum-read-write’, ’sum-read-write-iops’.
* critical-*
Threshold critical. Can be : ’read’, ’write’, ’read-iops’,
’write-iops’, ’total-read’, ’total-write’, ’total-read-iops’,
’total-write-iops’, ’sum-read-write’, ’sum-read-write-iops’.
* device
Set the device (number expected) ex : 1, 2,... (empty means
’check all devices’).
* name Allows to use device name with option * device instead of devoce
oid index.
* regexp
Allows to use regexp to filter devices (with option * name).
* regexp-isensitive
Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with * regexp).
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check Inodes space usage on partitions. Need to enable "includeAllDisks
10%" on snmpd.conf.
* warning-usage
Threshold warning in percent.
* critical-usage
Threshold critical in percent.
* diskpath
Set the disk path (number expected) ex : 1, 2,... (empty means
’check all disks path’).
* name Allows to use disk path name with option * diskpath instead of
disk path oid index.
* regexp
Allows to use regexp to filter diskpath (with option * name).
* regexp-isensitive
Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with * regexp).
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* filter-device
Filter device name (Can be a regexp).
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
Check interfaces.
* add-global
Check global port statistics (By default if no * add-* option is
* add-status
Check interface status.
* add-traffic
Check interface traffic.
* add-errors
Check interface errors.
* add-cast
Check interface cast.
* warning-status
Set warning threshold for status. Can used special variables
like : %admstatus, %opstatus, %display
* critical-status
Set critical threshold for status (Default : ’%admstatus eq
"up" and %opstatus ne "up"’). Can used special variables like :
%admstatus, %opstatus, %display
* warning-*
Threshold warning. Can be : ’total-port’, ’total-admin-up’,
’total-admin-down’, ’total-oper-up’, ’total-oper-down’,
’in-traffic’, ’out-traffic’, ’in-error’, ’in-discard’,
’out-error’, ’out-discard’, ’in-ucast’ (%), ’in-bcast’ (%),
’in-mcast’ (%), ’out-ucast’ (%), ’out-bcast’ (%), ’out-mcast’
* critical-*
Threshold critical. Can be : ’total-port’, ’total-admin-up’,
’total-admin-down’, ’total-oper-up’, ’total-oper-down’,
’in-traffic’, ’out-traffic’, ’in-error’, ’in-discard’,
’out-error’, ’out-discard’, ’in-ucast’ (%), ’in-bcast’ (%),
’in-mcast’ (%), ’out-ucast’ (%), ’out-bcast’ (%), ’out-mcast’
* units-traffic
Units of thresholds for the traffic (Default : ’%’) (’%’, ’b/s’).
* units-errors
Units of thresholds for errors/discards (Default : ’%’) (’%’,
* nagvis-perfdata
Display traffic perfdata to be compatible with nagvis widget.
* interface
Set the interface (number expected) ex : 1,2,... (empty means
’check all interface’).
* name Allows to use interface name with option * interface instead of
interface oid index (Can be a regexp)
* speed Set interface speed for incoming/outgoing traffic (in Mb).
* speed-in
Set interface speed for incoming traffic (in Mb).
* speed-out
Set interface speed for outgoing traffic (in Mb).
* no-skipped-counters
Don’t skip counters when no change.
* force-counters32
Force to use 32 bits counters (even in snmp v2c and v3). Should
be used when 64 bits counters are buggy.
* reload-cache-time
Time in minutes before reloading cache file (default : 180).
* oid-filter
Choose OID used to filter interface (default : ifName) (values :
ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName).
* oid-display
Choose OID used to display interface (default : ifName) (values :
ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName).
* oid-extra-display
Add an OID to display.
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value.
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value.
* show-cache
Display cache interface datas.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
List disk path (UCD-SNMP-MIB). Need to enable "includeAllDisks 10%" on
* diskpath
Set the disk path (number expected) ex : 1, 2,... (empty means
’check all disks path’).
* name Allows to use disk path name with option * diskpath instead of
disk path oid index.
* regexp
Allows to use regexp to filter diskpath (with option * name).
* regexp-isensitive
Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with * regexp).
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* skip-total-size-zero
Filter partitions with total size equals 0.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
* interface
Set the interface (number expected) ex : 1,2,... (empty means
’check all interface’).
* name Allows to use interface name with option * interface instead of
interface oid index (Can be a regexp)
* speed Set interface speed (in Mb).
* skip-speed0
Don’t display interface with speed 0.
* filter-status
Display interfaces matching the filter (example : ’up’).
* use-adminstatus
Display interfaces with AdminStatus ’up’.
* oid-filter
Choose OID used to filter interface (default : ifName) (values :
ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName).
* oid-display
Choose OID used to display interface (default : ifName) (values :
ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName).
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* add-extra-oid
Display an OID. Example :
* add-extra-oid=’alias,.’ or
* add-extra-oid=’vlan,.,%instance\..*’
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
* storage
Set the storage (number expected) ex : 1, 2,... (empty means
’check all storage’).
* name Allows to use storage name with option * storage instead of
storage oid index.
* regexp
Allows to use regexp to filter storage (with option * name).
* regexp-isensitive
Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with * regexp).
* oid-filter
Choose OID used to filter storage (default : hrStorageDescr)
(values : hrStorageDescr, hrFSMountPoint).
* oid-display
Choose OID used to display storage (default : hrStorageDescr)
(values : hrStorageDescr, hrFSMountPoint).
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* filter-storage-type
Filter storage types with a regexp (Default :
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check system load-average.
* warning
Threshold warning (1min,5min,15min).
* critical
Threshold critical (1min,5min,15min).
* average
Load average for the number of CPUs.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check physical memory (UCD-SNMP-MIB).
* warning
Threshold warning in percent.
* critical
Threshold critical in percent.
* swap Check swap also.
* warning-swap
Threshold warning in percent.
* critical-swap
Threshold critical in percent.
* no-swap
Threshold if no active swap (default : ’critical’).
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
Check system number of processes. Can also check memory usage and cpu
* warning
Threshold warning (process count).
* critical
Threshold critical (process count).
* warning-mem-total
Threshold warning in Bytes of total memory usage processes.
* critical-mem-total
Threshold warning in Bytes of total memory usage processes.
* warning-mem-avg
Threshold warning in Bytes of average memory usage processes.
* critical-mem-avg
Threshold warning in Bytes of average memory usage processes.
* warning-cpu-total
Threshold warning in percent of cpu usage for all processes
(sum). CPU usage is in % of one cpu, so maximum can be 100% *
number of CPU and a process can have a value greater than 100%.
* critical-cpu-total
Threshold critical in percent of cpu usage for all processes
(sum). CPU usage is in % of one cpu, so maximum can be 100% *
number of CPU and a process can have a value greater than 100%.
* process-name
Check process name.
* regexp-name
Allows to use regexp to filter process name (with option
* process-name).
* process-path
Check process path.
* regexp-path
Allows to use regexp to filter process path (with option
* process-path).
* process-args
Check process args.
* regexp-args
Allows to use regexp to filter process args (with option
* process-args).
* process-status
Check process status (Default : ’running|runnable’). Can be a
* memory
Check memory.
* cpu Check cpu usage. Should be used with fix processes. if processes
pid changes too much, the plugin can compute values.
* top Enable top memory usage display.
* top-num
Number of processes in the top (Default : 5).
* top-size
Minimum memory usage to be in the top (Default : 52428800 -> 50
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
* warning-usage
Threshold warning.
* critical-usage
Threshold critical.
* units Units of thresholds (Default : ’%’) (’%’, ’B’).
* free Thresholds are on free space left.
* storage
Set the storage (number expected) ex : 1, 2,... (empty means
’check all storage’).
* name Allows to use storage name with option * storage instead of
storage oid index.
* regexp
Allows to use regexp to filter storage (with option * name).
* regexp-isensitive
Allows to use regexp non case-sensitive (with * regexp).
* reload-cache-time
Time in minutes before reloading cache file (default : 180).
* oid-filter
Choose OID used to filter storage (default : hrStorageDescr)
(values : hrStorageDescr, hrFSMountPoint).
* oid-display
Choose OID used to display storage (default : hrStorageDescr)
(values : hrStorageDescr, hrFSMountPoint).
* display-transform-src
Regexp src to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* display-transform-dst
Regexp dst to transform display value. (security risk !!!)
* show-cache
Display cache storage datas.
* space-reservation
Some filesystem has space reserved (like ext4 for root). The
value is in percent of total (Default : none) (results like ’df’
* filter-storage-type
Filter storage types with a regexp (Default :
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check swap memory (UCD-SNMP-MIB).
* warning
Threshold warning in percent.
* critical
Threshold critical in percent.
* no-swap
Threshold if no active swap (default : ’critical’).
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check tcp connections.
* warning
Threshold warning for total connections.
* critical
Threshold critical for total connections.
* service
Check tcp connections following rules :
– ip-dst],[threshold-warning],[threshold-critical]
Example to test SSH connections on the server :
* service="ssh,,,22,,,,10,20"
<tag> Name to identify service (must be unique and
couldn’t be ’total’).
<type> regexp - can use ’ipv4’, ’ipv6’. Empty means
<state> regexp - can use ’finWait1’, ’established’,...
Empty means all (minus listen).
<filter-ip-*> regexp - can use to exclude or include some IPs.
<threshold-*> nagios-perfdata - number of connections.
* application
Check tcp connections of mutiple services :
Example : * application="web,http|https,100,200"
<tag> Name to identify application (must be unique).
<services> List of services (used the tag name. Separated
by ’|’).
<threshold-*> nagios-perfdata - number of connections.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Mode :
Check time offset of server with ntp server. Use local time if ntp-host
option is not set. SNMP gives a date with second precision (no
milliseconds). Time precision is not very accurate. Use threshold with
(+-) 2 seconds offset (minimum).
* warning
Threshold warning.
* critical
Threshold critical.
* ntp-hostname
Set the ntp hostname (if not set, localtime is used).
* ntp-port
Set the ntp port (Default : 123).
* timezone
Set the timezone of distant server. For Windows, you need to set
it. Can use format : ’Europe/London’ or ’+0100’.
Plugin Description :
Check Linux operating systems in SNMP.
Output Options :
* verbose
Display long output.
* debug Display also debug messages.
* filter-perfdata
Filter perfdata that match the regexp.
* explode-perfdata-max
Put max perfdata (if it exist) in a specific perfdata (without
values : same with ’_max’ suffix) (Multiple options)
* change-perfdata
Change perfdata name (Multiple option) Syntax :
* range-perfdata
Change perfdata range thresholds display : 1 = start value equals
to ’0’ is removed, 2 = threshold range is not display.
* filter-uom
Filter UOM that match the regexp.
* opt-exit
Exit code for an option error, usage (default : unknown).
* output-xml
Display output in XML Format.
* output-json
Display output in JSON Format.
* output-file
Write output in file (can be used with json and xml options)
* disco-format
Display discovery arguments (if the mode manages it).
* disco-show
Display discovery values (if the mode manages it).
Snmp Options :
* hostname
Hostname to query (required).
* snmp-community
Read community (defaults to public).
* snmp-version
Version : 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3.
* snmp-port
Port (default : 161).
* snmp-timeout
Timeout in secondes (default : 1) before retries.
* snmp-retries
Set the number of retries (default : 5) before failure.
* maxrepetitions
Max repetitions value (default : 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3).
* subsetleef
How many oid values per SNMP request (default : 50) (for get_leef
method. Be cautious whe you set it. Prefer to let the default
* snmp-force-getnext
Use snmp getnext function (even in snmp v2c and v3).
* snmp-username
Security name (only for SNMP v3).
* authpassphrase
Authentication protocol pass phrase.
* authprotocol
Authentication protocol (MD5|SHA)
* privpassphrase
Privacy protocol pass phrase
* privprotocol
Privacy protocol (DES|AES)
* contextname
Context name
* contextengineid
Context engine ID
* securityengineid
Security engine ID
* snmp-errors-exit
Exit code for SNMP Errors (default : unknown)
Retention Options :
* memcached
Memcached server to use (only one server).
* redis-server
Redis server to use (only one server).
* redis-attribute
Set Redis Options (* redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5").
* memexpiration
Time to keep data in seconds (Default : 86400).
* statefile-dir
Directory for statefile (Default :
* statefile-suffix
Add a suffix for the statefile name (Default : ’’).
* statefile-concat-cwd
Concat current working directory with option ’* statefile-dir’.
Useful on Windows when plugin is compiled.
* statefile-storable
Use Perl Module ’Storable’ (instead Data::Dumper) to store
Mode :
Check system uptime.
* warning
Threshold warning in seconds.
* critical
Threshold critical in seconds.
* force-oid
Can choose your oid (numeric format only).
* check-overload
Uptime counter limit is 4294967296 and overflow. With that
option, we manage the counter going back. But there is a few
chance we can miss a reboot.